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名前:Anthony日付:2015/01/05 18:30:57

Directory enquiries purchase skelaxin online There are plenty of other elements that can exacerbate existent health problems, why single out second hand smoke? Is it because the ends justify the means? Seeing how smoking prevalence is far from going down at the same pace as it was previous to draconian regulations and it’s even stagnating or increasing, even the ends don’t justify the heavy handed means. Is it because people have been conditioned to dislike the smell of what was once described as the pleasant aroma of burning tobacco? Possibly. But there is an easy fix to this: Smoking and non-smoking venues or ventilated smoking rooms. Problem solved. Or is it because the anti-smoker lobby, heavily funded by pharmaceutical interests will not allow any such studies to influence the present policy trend? That would certainly spoil Big Pharma’s marketing plan of making smokers as miserable as possible to force them to quit, wouldn’t it? Having hammered in the fallacy that smokers are too addicted to quit on their own, it brings in big profits and repeat business from their highly marked up virtually useless pharma nicotine and dangerous drugs such as Chantix. And let’s not forget the dividends they get from anxyolitics and anti-depressants for which sales have sky-rocketed proportionately to smoking prevalence going down.