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名前:Fidel日付:2015/01/02 04:53:57

It's OK arimidex india Perennial wallflowers (the best of which is the wonderfully floriferous, almost woody Erysimum 'Bowles’s Mauve’, with greyish leaves and soft purple flowers), are sterile or don’t come true from seed, and therefore have to be propagated via cuttings taken in late summer. They are less sweetly scented and fussier about the sun than biennials and some of them become extremely untidy and need to be cut back to encourage the continued flowering that will earn them their keep. None of them, in my experience, apart from the almost shrublike E. 'Bowles’s Mauve’, seems to be as “perennial” as one might wish and are best replaced with their own cuttings after two or three years at most.