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名前:Garth日付:2014/12/28 20:58:12

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名前:Sofia日付:2014/12/28 20:58:11

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名前:Leigh日付:2014/12/28 20:58:09

Could you send me an application form? isordil 30 mg Undergirding the laws that put these responsibilities on the Fed's to-do list is a great deal of wishful thinking. The Fed cannot control the economy, the financial system or even the banks it regulates nearly as precisely as its defenders claim — and increasing its regulatory responsibilities over entities with which it is unfamiliar will further distract the central bank from its monetary policy mission. Because the Fed's missteps can have dramatic consequences for the economic well-being of average Americans, Congress should rethink the scope of the Fed's mission. For her part, Janet Yellen, if confirmed, ought to check the wishful thinking at the door and approach her new tasks with a deep appreciation for the limits of the institution she leads.


名前:Johnathon日付:2014/12/28 20:58:08

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名前:Isaac日付:2014/12/28 20:58:07

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