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名前:Chauncey日付:2014/12/21 01:58:58

What's the current interest rate for personal loans? http://apartheidweek.org/help-homework/ recommendation proofread It’s aaaaaaalllll about lawyers, which is the sad truth of the matter. What is Goodell supposed to do? He can’t keep allowing players to get concussed because years down the road they and their families will come after the league for $$$ when they have mental issues from too many hits. Then the players who can’t walk will come after the league because their legs weren’t protected. Playing in the NFL carries and inherent risk of very serious bodily injury every week, which is why these guys try to get as much $$ in as short a time span as they can. They know the risk they’re taking, and I’m all for protecting them…..but it’s not protecting them because the NFL cares about their well being – they’re a business and don’t want to get taken through the wringer with lawsuits. It’s killing the game, but what can you do? Per some others, I guess just learn to wrap up (which will prob. make many lose interest in the game).


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名前:Jimmy日付:2014/12/21 01:47:15

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