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名前:Kieth日付:2014/12/21 04:30:51

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名前:Keven日付:2014/12/21 04:30:49

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名前:Palmer日付:2014/12/21 04:30:47

The manager http://www.correlingua.org/proofreading-companies-uk top homework help Rodriguez is also getting heat from opponents, including Rays star third baseman Evan Longoria, who heaped his criticism in an interview with Sports Illustrated’s Jimmy Traina, saying he didn’t think “it’s fair” that Rodriguez was back on the playing field while he appeals his suspension.


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名前:Robby日付:2014/12/21 04:30:44

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名前:Luther日付:2014/12/21 04:29:06

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名前:Armando日付:2014/12/21 04:18:23

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名前:Cameron日付:2014/12/21 04:18:18

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