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名前:Kennith日付:2014/12/21 09:19:55

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名前:Damon日付:2014/12/21 09:16:26

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名前:Jonathan日付:2014/12/21 09:16:24

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名前:Bruce日付:2014/12/21 09:16:23

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名前:Eric日付:2014/12/21 09:16:20

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名前:Infest日付:2014/12/21 09:16:18

Your cash is being counted help on research paper @NinjadeTokyo raises a good point that most funds are on foreign shores and are likely to be invested there. But investments are done with after tax dollars subject to deductions and exemptions, so the other purpose of the law is to stimulate US job growth. Also, it is understood that much of the growth of this cash is to park funds in a tax free account. The reason for this is that there really isn’t a safe place to invest this money. So it sits there unused until the economy gets better. This is a job killer. I say tax the exess cash and put it to use paying teachers and building the infrastructure of tomorrow.


名前:Reuben日付:2014/12/21 09:08:19

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名前:Marcelo日付:2014/12/21 09:08:15

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名前:Armando日付:2014/12/21 09:08:13

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名前:Mario日付:2014/12/21 09:06:51

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名前:Isaiah日付:2014/12/21 09:06:49

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名前:Vernon日付:2014/12/21 09:06:48

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