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名前:Abigail日付:2014/12/23 13:07:04

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名前:Diego日付:2014/12/23 13:07:02

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名前:Jake日付:2014/12/23 13:00:38

I went to purchase prochlorperazine online The variety of ways in which Britten achieved this would require a book-length article. But I’ll mention just one, which emerges with particularly power in his Turn of the Screw and Peter Grimes, when the principal characters give voice to their concerns. Here Britten contrives a musical equivalent of cinematic flashback, and sometimes even a split-frame device (the music shows us one bland thing happening over here, while over there something horrible takes place). This makes us aware of a slippage, a worrying gap, in reality itself. At the same time we become aware of the fragmentary quality in our own mental life. The characters seem contemporary, because Britten makes us see them from a modern (that’s to say, our own) point of view.


名前:Charles日付:2014/12/23 13:00:36

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