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名前:Peyton日付:2015/01/01 07:40:53

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名前:Freddie日付:2015/01/01 07:40:52

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On another call differin 0.1 cream So [the BBC's] light-years away from The Beatles, they're not music experts and they do these wonderfully corny links and you can hear The Beatles having such a great time and giggling away at some of these links. It was just radical to hear that on the BBC. In those days if you presented a program, you had to submit your script two weeks in advance and someone would go through it with a blue pencil altering your grammar. There was no spontaneity on the BBC. But because The Beatles were recording for the Popular Music Department, which was live music, they were allowed to be more natural in what was called 'The Announcements.' So they are themselves [and] that was quite shocking. BBC was a very formal institution.