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名前:Alfred日付:2014/12/25 06:42:58

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名前:Milton日付:2014/12/25 06:42:57

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A whip of the right leg, and Marouane Chamakh puts Palace two goals to the good at Selhurst. Tony Pulis has famously never been relegated as a manager, so people were quite legitimately wondering what the hell he was up to in taking the Palace job. There won't be as many questions asked now. The way things stand, Palace will still be in the relegation places at the end of the day, but they'll leapfrog Fulham and will be level with West Ham on points, if behind by a fair bit on the old goal difference.


名前:Sara日付:2014/12/25 06:12:13

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名前:Sebastian日付:2014/12/25 06:12:12

I'm on business custom english essays Xi Jinping is very popular, and he’s eager to make a show of addressing political corruption. He announced a fight against the “four forms of decadence” — formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. The party leadership may be priming itself for a purge — locating local and midlevel officials that are low-hanging fruit: people they can make a public example of without impacting the top of the pyramid. As for the wealthiest, they are undergoing a PR campaign of sorts, trying to display more modesty. (China’s foreign minister just traded in his Audi for the same domestic model that Mao used to drive around in.) Make no mistake — these actions are largely cosmetic. They mitigate public dissent in the short-term, but they don’t get at the root of the problem. Why is that? China’s leaders can’t fundamentally go after the problem because the problem is them.