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For people who wait until the Dec. 23 deadline — either by choice or because they encountered difficulties—insurers will have just a week to process the applications before people can start filing claims. Robert Laszewski, an industry consultant, says insurers generally need two weeks to add newly covered people to their computer systems. The chances are we're going to see lots of customer service problems, he says.


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Jonny was here buy temovate These drugs are also available over the counter. They can be picked up in the supermarket. We have no control over how many millions of people are buying these drugs, said Dr George, a senior clinical lecturer and honorary consultant in clinical pharmacology.


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Jones had such a bad experience with his last film, an adaptation of the Wind in the Willows, that he wasn’t sure if he could ever face making another one. “I was so disheartened that I went off and did documentaries instead. The distributors completely messed it up. It was so sad because I think I was more proud of that than anything else. I remember the producer telling me the film was on in Time Square in New York. When I got there I found that it was actually on at a porno cinema. Even so, I thought I might as well take a photo, and I went off to buy a disposable camera. But by the time I got back, they’d already taken it off.”