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名前:Maya日付:2014/12/27 10:45:06

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名前:Parker日付:2014/12/27 10:45:04

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名前:Lenard日付:2014/12/27 10:45:03

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名前:Bonser日付:2014/12/27 10:35:37

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名前:Renato日付:2014/12/27 10:30:02

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名前:Korey日付:2014/12/27 10:26:38

In tens, please (ten pound notes) who can do my tesol assignment We want to educate our elected officials. This is a federal issue so we would like to educate our the senators and representatives about the power of unregulated spectrum and one of the best ways to do that is to get their constituents hyped up about it and the best constituents to get hyped up about it are people who are in the technology industry and they’re all at South by Southwest. That’s why we did what we did.  But you’re probably not going to get them to go all the way and not auction off any of the spectrum. But if we can get them to make a meaningful piece of the spectrum available for super wifi and other forms of unregulated wireless communication that would be a good thing so that’s what we’re hoping for.


名前:Cedric日付:2014/12/27 10:26:37

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名前:Cole日付:2014/12/27 10:26:36

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名前:Cordell日付:2014/12/27 10:26:34

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名前:Connie日付:2014/12/27 10:26:31

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名前:Howard日付:2014/12/27 10:22:08

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